Oviedo (Asturian: Uviéu) is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain. It is also the name of the municipality that contains the city.
Oviedo, which is the administrative and commercial centre of the region, also hosts the annual Prince of Asturias Awards. This prestigious event, held in the city's Campoamor Theatre, recognizes international achievement in eight categories. Award winners in 2007 include Bob Dylan in the category of Arts and Al Gore in the category of International Cooperation. Oviedo University's international campus attracts many foreign scholars from all over the globe.
Oviedo Turismo
The Municipality of Oviedo covers an area of some 185.14 sq Km. It is situated in the central area of Asturias, between the river Nalón and the river Nora. Its maximum height is Mount Picayu (709 m).
Oviedo experiences a pleasant climate for most of the year, with temperate Winters in which the temperature rarely gets below freezing, and mild Summers. Its mean annual temperature reaches 13ºC and, in general, the weather conditions rarely gets too extreme.